About Our Church
We care deeply about you and your well-being are grateful that you’re interested in our church family at First Congregational Church of Buena Park (FCCBP)! We’re extremely thankful that we’ve been in the community since 1888 and can still be here to help wonderful people like you today. New Here?GiveWe’re also extremely thankful that we’re in the strong, nail-pierced hands of our ever-loving Savior, Jesus Christ! We consider every believer part of our family in one sense already because Jesus, who died to pay for our sins on the cross, rose again from the dead, and gives us this promise: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16, NASB). Yet, we want to tell you more about our church so that if you’re interested in worshiping with us or in church membership so that you know how we might be able to help you in your life!
Our Mission
We care about you and want to be here to help! “Our Mission” is to help and bless people as we:
- Lovingly proclaim the gospel of Jesus’ death and resurrection to give hope and assurance of forgiveness for now and eternity!
- Comfort and encourage one another on our life-journeys as we help each other work through our “thorns” together in our Christian lives.
- Purposefully fulfill our callings in life with the Lord’s help, to use our gifts to reach out to one another, to our community, and to the world as we fulfill our callings in life and gain a grow in Christian contentment.
Who We Are
Our Leadership
John Peters was raised in Orange County and currently lives in Westminster, CA with his wonderful wife and their precious daughter. He’s extremely happy to be able to serve the people of FCC as pastor! John’s goal is to help people gain a deep and abiding sense that Jesus accepts and forgives them to build them up on the inside and help them fulfill their callings in life with an increased sense of joy and contentment. A graduate of Talbot School of Theology (Biola University), John helps people understand the Bible and the life of the church as part of the Lord’s work to comfort, bless, encourage them along the way!

Our Pastor: John Peters
Galatians 3:26-29
Core Values
To guide us in our mission, we value:
Jesus as Savior
for we trust in Him as the One who forgives us and gives us eternal hope.
The Bible
for we read, study, and learn to know God’s loving heart and ways.
as those created in God’s image and the objects of His self-giving love
as an important way the Lord blesses us in each other’s lives as He shepherd’s and guides.
Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
as testimonies of Jesus’ kindness and love
Christian contentment
as a goal for each other, as we help each other move toward a greater sense of the Lord’s peace and presence